
الخميس، 12 يوليو 2012

First Galaxy S III ads talk up All Share

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According to most reviews the Galaxy S III is the best Android handset to date. Hell, the S II is still pretty damn good and the S III is superior in every way to its predecessor. But even the best phones need to be advertised to interest the masses, and Samsung has begun its campaign promoting the S III.

All three ads (first spotted by Business Insider and embedded at the bottom of the article) focus on the All Share capabilities of the Galaxy S III. This feature means you can instantly share media content with friends and family without the need to manually send a file. It’s a nice option to have, although I’m not convinced it’s one mainstream users were crying out for in the way Samsung implies here.

These ads are nice and all, especially in the current climate when commercials have become tired, dull affairs as everyone tries to copy Apple’s ‘here is the product, here is what it does, like it, love it, own it’ approach. At least Samsung are trying their own thing, with a slightly comical angle and more creativity than the pretentious crap that emerges from Cupertino every week.

However, the All Share feature is a strange one to promote so heavily as it requires all your friends and family to also own an S III to be anything other than pointless. Perhaps Samsung thinks everybody will buy an S III, it’s certainly the best chance the Android OS has of overcoming the beast that is the iPhone.

There is another small problem related to the iPhone; iOS 6, due to be released in the fall, brings similar sharing capabilities to Apple’s handset. So I guess Samsung needs to milk the S III’s advantages while it still can. I like these ads but I still feel Samsung could be doing more with the airtime.


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