
الاثنين، 27 أغسطس 2012

Should Apple delay iPad Mini release after iPhone 5?

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Will the iPad Mini be released alongside the much-anticipated iPhone 5?

While tech geeks would love hitting up their local Apple Store to score both products on the same time, some are making the argument that it would be in Apple’s best interest to hold its smaller tablet for a later date.

As of now, Apple is expected to announce both products on Sept. 12 and it’s all but confirmed that the iPhone 5 will be released Sept 21.

According to the International Business Times, Apple wouldn’t be able to control the hype around two products being released on the same day.

“Think of it this way: Apple Stores, both physical and online, shut down every time Apple releases a new product. Could you imagine if Apple tried to organize lines for not just one, but two major product launches happening simultaneously?

“If Apple released the iPhone 5 and the iPad Mini on the same date, it would be an absolute disaster, especially for customers. Lines are already out the door and around the building for these products individually; if half of those people are there for iPhone and half for iPad Mini, and a handful of people are there to buy both products, there may not be a way for Apple to clearly organize the crowds, even if both products are ready to be sold.”

Additionally, from a public relations standpoint, Apple would lose a significant amount of ground.

We already have a good idea on what it will look like on iPhone 5 day — Sept. 21. Lines will be out the door and the media will snap that photo of the first person to walk out of the Apple Store with an iPhone 5.

Apple wants that day to repeat itself — and it will if it releases the iPad Mini a few weeks later.

My guess? Apple will say preorders for the iPhone 5 will start Sept. 12 and be released on the Sept. 21, but the iPad Mini will be available sometime in October. Apple likes to keep release dates vague to keep people like me blogging about it.

As a result, customers won’t be unhappy if they are unable to buy either of the devices.

The iPad Mini is set to be this year’s “must-have” item on everyone’s holiday shopping list.


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