
الاثنين، 27 أغسطس 2012

Will Steve Jobs film starring Ashton Kutcher totally bomb?

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A testimonial from an extra in the upcoming Steve Jobs biopic has given us a glimpse into what we can expect from the anticipated film.

Cord Jefferson reported his first-person testimonial on being an extra in the film starring Ashton Kutcher for Gizmodo. In his long rant, he complains about how long it takes for scenes to be just perfect, how a 90-second take can actually take several hours and how stupid he feels for having to clap over-and-over again during a scene after watching the 1984 commercial.

In other words, Jefferson complained about making a movie.

But although negative in his editorial, he does give an interesting perspective on how the film, appropriately called jOBS (yes, it is spelled like that), will do in the box office.

“Is the movie going to suck?” Jefferson writes. “I don’t know. I know from my four-minute chat with Kutcher that he’s attempting to take this project very seriously, doing painstaking research on Jobs’ life and Apple’s history.

“I also know, however, that the budget for Jobs is comparatively low, and that it is in direct competition with another Steve Jobs movie, to be penned by Hollywood heavyweight Aaron Sorkin. Both of those things, coupled with the fact that many people don’t believe Kutcher can cut it as a ‘serious’ actor, do not bode well for Jobs’ ultimate success.

“Still, there was a time when people thought Apple would fail, too.”

Sorkin’s movie is expected to be based around Walter Isaacson’s popular biography of Jobs, which was released shortly after his death in October 2011.

Images from the filming of the movie have leaked across the Internet, and Kutcher does play a convincing Steve Jobs, especially in Jobs’ early years.

The movie is expected to be released this year, sometime in the fourth quarter. Could it debut around the time of the much-anticipated iPhone 5?

That would be some pretty clever marketing.


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